Celebration of World Environment Day 2021 in DIET Sivasagar, Sonari Assam.
This year, on 5th June, 2021, the World Environment Day was organized by DIET Sivasagar, Sonari Assam in the online mode, on account of the current pandemic situation. The topic of this year’s World Environment Day was - ‘ Ecosystem and Biodiversity of North-East India’.
The chief coordinator of the event was MRS. DEEPARANI GOGOI , Lecturer, DIET Sivasagar, Sonari . The main advisor of the event was MR. RAJEN DUTTA , Principal DIET, Sivasagar, Sonari . The online program was anchored by SRI HIMANSHU KAKOTY, student of DIET, Sivasagar, Sonari. The eminent Resource person who was invited to offer a presentation on the topic was Dr. RANJAN KUMAR DAS, Associate Professor, Tinsukia College, Assam.
The entire online event was held on the digital platform of Google Meet from 4P.M onwards, to the greater benefit of all the students and faculty members of DIET, Sivasagar, Sonari. The resource person, Dr. Ranjan kumar Das , presented a beautiful session on migratory birds of north East and various other details related to the environment. Besides, in the event, paintings and posters made by the students of DIET, Sivasagar, Sonari related to the environment, were also presented elaborately.
The entire online event was hosted by Mrs. Deepa Rani Gogoi with the help of faculty members and students of the institute. The principal of the institute, Mr. Rajen Dutta , delivered an important speech on the conservation of our environment . The programme concluded successfully with the ‘ Vote of thanks’ offered by SRI. Himanshu Kakoty. The programme was conducted smoothly and hope that this event will inspire our students to carry out their duties ardently for the benefit of our environment . Also, we hope that our Resource person, Dr. Ranjan kumar Das, would continue to encourage us in this benevolent task.